GOOFEES Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") complies with the Personal Information Protection Law and is committed to appropriately handling the information entrusted to us by our customers, as outlined in the following Privacy Policy.
1. Personal information
In this Privacy Policy, "personal information" refers to "personal information" as defined by the Personal Information Protection Law. This includes information related to a living individual that can identify a specific person, such as name and date of birth, as well as personal identification codes, and information such as email addresses used in connection with a specific individual.
2. Purpose of Use of Personal Information
The Company will use personal information for the following purposes. If the Company intends to use personal information beyond the scope of these purposes, it will obtain the prior consent of the individual through appropriate means. However, this does not apply in cases based on laws and regulations.

・Provision, planning, development, and improvement of the Company’s content, services, and products
・Marketing activities such as statistics, analysis, and surveys aimed at improving the quality of the Company's content, services, and products
・Responding to inquiries and consultations
・Providing various information regarding the Company's content, services, and products
・Investigation and prevention of illegal and fraudulent activities
3. Management of Personal Information Security
The Company will take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information. Additionally, the Company will provide necessary and appropriate supervision to its employees regarding the handling of personal information. Furthermore, when outsourcing the handling of personal information to external vendors, the Company will also ensure necessary and appropriate supervision of the outsourced parties.
4. Restriction on Third-party Provision
Unless permitted by law, the Company will not provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the individual concerned.
5. Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, and Deletion of Personal Information
The Company will respond appropriately to inquiries from individuals regarding the disclosure, correction, suspension of use, deletion, etc., of personal information, in accordance with the law.
6. Purpose of Using Cookies
The Company may use the information collected using cookies to analyze the usage patterns of the website (access status, traffic, routing, etc.), and to improve the performance of the website itself, as well as to enhance and improve the services provided to customers by the Company.
7.How to Reject Cookies
How to Reject All Cookies
Customers can disable cookies by changing their browser settings. However, disabling cookies may result in the inability to access some services.
For information on how to change cookie settings, please refer to the manufacturer of your respective browser.
How to Reject Specific Cookies
To stop providing information to advertising service providers, please contact each company directly for instructions.